Hellyeah I'm going to Japan! (this has got nothing to do with the picture)
Glad the interview (reallllyy long ago) went fine, hopefully it won't be affected by the darned H1N1.
Vhapsody @ VJC with a few of the girls after slacking around at anna's; the journey there made me perspire a hell lot since it was my first time taking 25 from my school to her house and the supposed 10-minute walk turned into a 20 minute walk. -.-
Main objective was to support Terie & Siyun for the CO concert, we saw alot of AHSpeeps at VJ! :D
Asked my mom to dig the guzheng out but its still in the store :/
Pictures another day, I'd be quite busy next week. I predict tomorrow'll be a horrible day at the Mangrove Conservation areas (not the beach, I think). Don't have track pants.
Some tag replies, then =)
peixuan: hey mama! heh. all the best for your last paper tmr aye! and where's the place you all went to celebrate? the milk tea's so cool. heh. =)
{hey xuanee!!! :D thanks (should've said that earlier sorry!) Its the hongkong restaurant at bugis! xin wang or sth :D cool right haha!!! It was GIGANTIC!!}
eirene: hello dear! and your blog is so.. colourful? haha haven't seen you in awhile:(
{hey eireneeeeee! LOL :D yeah haven't seen you in agesssss D: I've been rather inactive lately huh D: }
becky: EMMA! I didnt know you had a blog!!!! Haha...well I'm here now..HELLO! :D
{HEY BECKY!!!! :P now you know!! haha HELLOOOO! seeyou real soon yeah! ^_^}
Chris: man... having exams on ur bday...
{D: awh that sucks! My friends are having exams on my birthday too D: at least I get to celebrate on my own ... ): }
peixuan: hi mama! heh. congrats on the end of your exams!

{hi xuanee! yayyy!! you too! CONGRATS ON THE START OF OUR HOLIDAYS! :D I want to seeyou soon, sorry I can't come on saturday! *curses vcw* tell me the results k, i'll be missing you! come to my house soon love!}
peixuan: hey mama! jiayou for your your VCW alright! =D and let me be your source of inspiration for your BIG canvas. hahaha. =D jiayou eh!
{hey xuanee! :D THANKS I'LL NEED THAT! =D HAHAA maybe i'll paint your big face on it LOL =D yeah you too remember to do your work k!! =P}
Ray other: i only get to come back every wkend >< style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">{ouch D: what's your post? YES I KNOW MY SCHOOL IS ABNORMAL D: D: D: the nearer the place is the more late you'll be, always like that :D there aren't any loopholes they don't even take any excuses zzz!}
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